H&S in the workplace Post COVID-19

With workplaces  opening up and we try to resume our business as before we need to ensure that we follow COVID secure procedures. With  the HSE announcing that their inspectors will be contacting businesses to make sure that they are COVID secure, now is the time to act. Our team of consultants have put together a programme of areas that will keep you compliant and be seen as a best practice employer by the HSE. Our team are experienced H&S professionals with a wealth of knowledge and a passion for sharing it with our clients. They aim to support your systems and procedures and look at them with a critical eye and provide pragmatic suggestions that work in your business that may need reviewing.

Some of the areas that need reviewing are

  • Have you completed a COVID Secure Risk Assessment?- Looking at how to change your operations to reduce risk and allay staff fears.
  • When did you last look at your Fire Risk Assessments? – Whilst the numbers on site are reduced the FRA needs to be maintained
  • RIDDOR – what is and isn’t reportable?
  • First Aid – Are all the First Aid kits stocked correctly. Are the First Aiders certificates still in date?
  • Defibrillators – Is your machine able to respond to a Cardiac Arrest?


These are just a few of the areas that we can support your business with. Contact us for a complimentary chat by completing the form, email us at enquiries@oakley-services.co.uk or call us on 0333 358 3521