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Certificate for the Inspection & Testing of Portable Electrical Equipment C&G 2377-77

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Course Details

The 1989 Electricity at Work Regulation 4 (2) requires that ‘as may be necessary to prevent danger, all systems shall be maintained so far as is reasonably practicable’. This requirement covers fixed and portable equipment used on your premises or by your employees and self-employed persons. This Certificate for the Inspection & Testing of Electrical Equipment course only covers the requirement for Portable appliances. Candidates for the Inspection and Testing certificate should be practising electricians

Benefits to you

On completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the related legislation and recommendations of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
  • Use test equipment and understand its application to portable electrical appliances/tools to achieve compliance with the relevant legislation

Course Contents

  • Related Legislation – e.g. Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974
  • Electrical Safety – General
  • Electrical Safety – Specific to Testing and the use of Portable Appliances/Tools
  • Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
  • Class 1, 2 and 3. Portable Electric Tools
  • Basic calculations to determine the LOAD of appliances/tools where manufacturer’s data is not available
  • Fuses: Types and Characteristics
  • Residual Current Devices (RCD)
  • Flexible Cables: Types and size (csa)
  • Plugs and Sockets
  • Bonding to Earth
  • Test Equipment: MEGGer 1KV – Insulation Test
  • Test Equipment: Earth Loop Impedance Meter
  • Test Equipment: Portable Appliance
  • Tabulating Test Results and Recording
  • Test Unit – Combination of Test Equipment
  • Summary
  • Practical assessment
  • Online examination

Candidates need to bring a copy of IEE Code of Practice for the In–Service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment 5th Edition with them.

Who should attend?

Personnel involved with the Maintenance and Repair of Portable Electrical Appliances/Tools and Maintenance Safety Records.

What's Included


Buffet lunch


Successful candidates will receive a C&G 2377-77 certificate