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Emergency First Aid at Work

Course Details

In line with the Health & Safety First Aid at Work Regulations 1981, there is a requirement for employers to complete a First Aid needs assessment to ensure that they identify the need for an appropriately  trained First Aider to be available at all times. Through this process it has been highlighted that there are several additional skills and knowledge areas required for occasional on-site work. This 7.5 hour qualification is proposed as a result of the 2009 guidance changes on assessing the needs of First Aid requirements in the workplace. It has been designed for predominately low risk with specific additional skills.
It will however not deal with medical conditions such as as diabetes, asthma, allergies or a heart condition, the HSE recommend that you consider completing a 3 day First Aid at Work course. This First Aid at Work initial qualification course covers a wider range of subjects.

Benefits to you

On completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the duties of a First Aider in the workplace
  • Understand the requirements of a First Aid kit
  • Perform life saving techniques

Course Contents

  • Role and aims of a First Aider
  • Infection control
  • Contents of a First Aid Kit
  • Record Keeping
  • Incident Management
  • Primary Survey
  • Priorities of Treatment
  • Treatment of an Unconscious Casualty – Recovery Position
  • Resuscitation (Using Resuscitation Council (UK) 2021 Guidelines)
  • inc. Effective Rescue Breaths
  • COVID Resuscitation
  • Defibrillator (AED) Awareness
  • Choking
  • Control and Treatment of Wounds and Bleeding
  • Treatment of Minor Injuries
  • Treatment of Burns
  • Treatment of Electric Shock
  • Treatment of Clinical Shock
  • Management of Seizures
  • Recognition and Treatment of Strokes

This qualification is via continual assessment by the trainer.  An HSE approved, FAIB accredited, certificate, valid for 3 years, will be issued to those who meet the criteria.

This course complies with The Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 or Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1982 for FAW and EFAW

Who should attend?

Any person who is to be designated as a First Aider at work following a company’s risk assessment.

What's Included

  • Tuition
  • First Aid Manual
  • First Aid Training Kit
  • 3 year HSE approved FAIB accredited certificate
  • Buffet Lunch
  • Refreshments