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Full Paediatric First Aid

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Course Details

This 12 hour Full Paediatric plus First Aid course is in line with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and meets the requirements of Ofsted. It has been designed by Front Line Medical staff and is designed for people caring for children in any setting. It is accredited by the First Aid Industry Body (FAIB).

Benefits to you

On completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify a casualty who is in Cardiac Arrest
  • Provide effective Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • Improve the Patient’s chance of survival
  • Manage common Medical and Trauma conditions
  • Find the right treatment pathway

Course Contents

  • Legislation
  • Incident Management
  • Primary & Secondary Survey
  • Management of an unconscious casualty – all ages
  • Adult, Child & Infant Resuscitation (Resus Council 2015)
  • Adult, Child & Infant Choking (Resus Council 2015)
  • Dealing with Traumatic incidents
  • Treatment of Bleeding & Burns
  • Management of muscular/skeletal injuries
  • Managing Clinical shock
  • Febrile Convulsions / Fitting
  • Poisons, Bites and stings
  • Electric shock
  • Recognition and Treatment of Anaphylaxis and use of an Auto Injector
  • Effects of Heat & Cold
  • Breathing problems- Asthma, Epiglottis, Croup
  • Diabetes, Sickle Cell, Meningitis
  • On-going assessment and a short “celebration of knowledge”  question paper

This course complies with The Department for Education for Paediatric First Aid or Emergency Paediatric First Aid.

Who should attend?

Childminders, Nursery and School staff (dealing with Foundation Stage) and anybody who deals with infants and children

What's Included

  • Tuition
  • Paediatric First Aid Manual
  • Refreshments
  • EYES/Ofsted approved syllabus FAIB certificate valid for 3 years